100 Best Herbal Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2022

Our expert editorial team reviews and adds them to a relevant category list. Ranking is based on relevancy, blog post frequency, social metrics, domain authority, traffic and many other parameters. We routinely remove inactive blogs and those which are no longer relevant to a given list. List is updated as we receive new blog submissions and re-ranked every few weeks. Articles cover simple herbal information and herbal research.

Backyard Patch Herbs is my own herb business started in 1995. Those for cooking, tea and bath -- and they are all home-grown and hand-blended. In the last 20 years I have gained a knowledge of herbs and their flavors that I share here. A family run herb farm with over 30 years’ experience in growing and using medicinal and culinary herb plants and seeds. Henriette's herbal is one of the oldest and largest herbal medicine sites on the net. It's been online since 1995, and is run by Henriette Kress, a herbalist in Helsinki, Finland.

This blog will hopefully provide some insight into the healing and balancing power of connecting to nature's gifts. The Urban Herbalist is a blog about my adventures traveling the world as a western herbalist in many foreign places. I'm a mother with a very herbal 2 year old, a doula and a wife who addresses all the issues I see on a daily basis. I'm from Northern California, lived in the UK last year and now am in Tanzania for the next couple of years.

Over my years of DIY tinkering I’ve created over a hundred body care, culinary, and green cleaning recipes. Some I love seasonally, others come and go for one reason or another, and some shining stars remain a constant in my everyday life. One member of this VIP list is a “Four Thieves®” multi-surface spray. It’s easy to make, and its versality means that it earns its keep in my natural cleaning supply closet. It also smells fresh and invigorating and cuts grease with the likes of commercially available soaps and sprays.

Place the strained infusion in your foot basin, and add enough warm water to bring the water level up to your ankles. My foot soaking basin is an antique enamel pan that takes 1 1/2 gallons of water to fill to ankle level, so all of my recipes are sized for that amount of water. After a few years of experimentation, I finally found some simple treatments that help keep the condition under control. Each evening I soak my feet in warm water for about 10 minutes, followed by a generous slathering of a cream that I make, and topped off with a comfortable pair of cotton socks. Use the world’s first herb traceability tool to discover the origin of your herbs and see validation of your product’s quality. Then there is an awesome organic garlic farm called Garlic Breath Farm, so I decided to create a bread spread with one of my blends.

Mo Horner is a breast cancer survivor who's educating her conservative Midwest community about natural healing. She shares common sense observations about specific herbs, meditation, healing foods and healthy lifestyle practice. Learn about new products, hear stories from farms, learn about our sustainability practices, and never be short of traditional and timeless recipes. Mountain Rose Herbs offers quality organic herbs, teas, and spices grown with care.

The Outdoor Apothecary inspires naturally minded people to live with the seasons, connect with nature, and protect their health through herbal living. We offer articles, tips, recipes and ideas on simple herbal remedies, foraging, gardening and reconnecting ourselves to our natural world and sacred ancestral traditions. I share my favorite ways to 'wildcraft' the earth's most ancient plants into herbal remedies and recipes, that deepen our spiritual connection to nature and the land Kräuter-Blog we live on. This Blog is a glimpse into how I use herbs and natural foods every day, how my family approaches seasonal living and celebrations, gardening and greenhouse growing. I share my herbal insights and tips, recipes, quotes, herbal news and all the great herbal wisdom I learn from my Consultation clients and other gardeners. Angelic Herbs For Vibrant Health is geared towards healing through earth awareness and self empowerment by the use and knowledge of herbal medicine.

A blog by the Herbal Academy of New England's staff and teachers, including Marlene Adelmann and Annie Hall. We write about the plants we discover, and the magic that comes with our experiences at the school. Many tea and healthy, vegetarian recipes are shared and photographed, as well.


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